Toward An Open Co-operativism: A New Social Economy Based On Open Platforms, Co-Operative Models And The Commons

by Pat Conaty and David Bollier

“The power of open source principles, now proven beyond a doubt, is rapidly proliferating into many other areas of culture, production and social life.  The prospect of more participatory, socially convivial forms of production – accountable to communities and mindful of the larger common good – has never seemed more achievable.  Still, there are important organizational, legal and financial hurdles to overcome – not to mention cultural and political differences – that must be dealt with if co-operatives are to find common ground with digital commoners and peer producers.  Fortunately, there are emerging models such as multi-stakeholder cooperatives that could be vehicles for such cooperation.”


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Blockchain technology : toward a decentralized governance of digital platforms?

by Primavera de Filippi and Xavier Lavayssière


More recently, a new technology has came about, together with a whole new set of promises for decentralization and disintermediation. By combining peer-to-peer technologies, game theory and cryptographic primitives, blockchain technology makes it possible for people to experiment with new forms of peer-production and distributed collaboration. Just like the Internet enabled users to
communicate on a peer-to-peer basis, bypassing traditional intermediaries, Bitcoin and other blockchain-based applications enable users to exchange value directly with one another, relying on economic models and incentivization schemes that do not require the intervention of any trusted authority or intermediary operator.

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The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century – P. J. Proudhon

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In every revolutionary history three things are to be observed:

The preceding state of affairs, which the revolution aims at overthrowing, and which becomes counter-revolution through its desire to maintain its existence.

The various parties which take different views of the revolution, according to their prejudices and interests, yet are compelled to embrace it and to use it for their advantage.

The revolution itself, which constitutes the solution.

The parliamentary, philosophical, and dramatic history of the Revolution of 1848 can already furnish material for volumes. I shall confine myself to discussing disinterestedly certain questions which may illuminate our present knowledge. What I shall say will suffice, I hope, to explain the progress of the Revolution of the Nineteenth Century, and to enable us to conjecture its future.

First study. — Reaction causes Revolution.

Second study. — Is there sufficient reason for a revolution in the Nineteenth Century?

Third study. — The Principle of Association.

First study. — The Principle of Authority.

Fourth study. — Social Liquidation.

Sixth study. — The Organization of Economic Forces.

Seventh study. — Dissolution of Government in the Economic Organism.